Amy O’Brien Discusses The Challenges Of Responsible Investing Leadership For Asset Managers
Amy O’Brien Discusses The Challenges Of Responsible Investing
Leadership For Asset Managers
Amy O’Brien is the Global Head of Responsible Investing at Nuveen, a TIAA Company, the $1.1 trillion global investment manager. Amy and I go way back. Recently we had a call just...

From Professor To Politician To Sustainability Advocate: A Conversation With Jan Peter Balkenende
From Professor To Politician To Sustainability Advocate:
A Conversation With Jan Peter Balkenende
On November 4, 2022, I had the great pleasure and honor to deliver the second Piet Sanders Lecture sponsored by the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My...

EFRAG’s SRB Vice Chair Professor Kerstin Lopatta Discusses Sustainability Reporting
EFRAG’s SRB Vice Chair Professor Kerstin Lopatta
Discusses Sustainability Reporting
I was introduced to Professor Kerstin Lopatta through some mutual friends. Our shared interest in sustainability reporting was the reason for the introduction. More particularly,...

So Much At Stake: Unilever’s Lysanne Gray On Getting Sustainability Reporting Right
So Much At Stake: Unilever’s Lysanne Gray
On Getting Sustainability Reporting Right
Unilever’s Lysanne Gray is one of those rare people who has gone from financial reporting to sustainability reporting. She started her career at PwC working in audit, corporate...

A Conversation With Greg Goff About The Energy Transition And ESG
A Conversation With Greg Goff
About The Energy Transition And ESG
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Greg Goff, an experienced oil and gas executive. Mr. Goff was President and Chief Executive Officer of Andeavor (an integrated...

From Businessman To Business Activist: A Conversation With Ben Tolhurst Of Business Declares
From Businessman To Business Activist:
A Conversation With Ben Tolhurst Of Business Declares
I was introduced to Ben Tolhurst by my good friend Charmian (Char) Love. I interviewed her last year after COP 26 to get her reflections on this event in her role as an “Activist...

Loving Your Leftovers: Unilever’s Christina Bauer-Plank On The Purpose Of The Hellmann’s Brand
Loving Your Leftovers: Unilever’s Christina Bauer-Plank
On The Purpose Of The Hellmann’s Brand
Previously I have written about some investor controversy concerning Unilever’s commitment to purpose. There are those investors who simply assert that purpose hurts profits....

Activist Investing: Insights From Patricia Olasker, A Lawyer Who Represents Both Sides
Activist Investing: Insights From Patricia Olasker,
A Lawyer Who Represents Both Sides
There are very few women who represent activist investors. There are very few lawyers of either gender who represent both them and companies. This puts Patricia Olasker of Davies...

Activist Investing And ESG: A Conversation With Dianne Mckeever
Activist Investing And ESG:
A Conversation With Dianne Mckeever
Last month I sat down with Dianne McKeever, the Co-founder and CIO of Ides Capital, an impact activist investor. We met one morning at a Le Pain Quotidien in midtown Manhattan....
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